Centering Down at Zephyr Point

Ten pastors and leaders from the presbytery culminated their experience as the “Pilot Cohort” of the Cultivating Enough in the Care of Clergy program with a 5-day retreat at Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center on the majestic Lake Tahoe.  This “Pilot Cohort” consisted of the pastors who were instrumental in shaping the Lilly Endowment, Inc Thriving in Ministry Grant which now funds the Cultivating Enough initiative for the presbytery for the next four years.  Program Director, Rev. Sarah Colwill, led their time together which included resting in the beauty of Creation, fellowship with trusted colleagues, reflecting during devotions and other times of silence, and interacting with nature.


Rev. Howard Thurman implores us to “Center Down,” turning to the hunger deep within that longs for purpose and meaning, beyond “the streets of our minds” that “seethe with endless traffic”.  By deep listening, sitting quietly, he claims we can hear that “deeper note which only the stillness of the heart makes clear.”  Participants reflected upon this devotion, along with daily passages of Scripture that shaped their time together on the shores of this pristine lake that include opportunities for hiking, kayaking, and sitting dockside.  Evening reflections by the firepit overlooking Lake Tahoe deeply feed the spirits of these devoted, busy, and passionate pastors.


One participant, Rev. Kari Olson notes, “I am beyond grateful for the Cultivating Enough program, which has provided support through a time of physical isolation and unprecedented challenges.  This past week at Zephyr Point was a tremendous gift to conclude our time as a cohort.”  Another pastor in the pilot group, Rev. Carla Jones Brown commented, “It was a joy and a privilege to share time and space with this very special group of pastors.”


The presbytery is grateful for the willingness of this “Pilot Cohort” of pastors to share their feedback, experience, and creative ideas that continue to shape the current ideation of the Cultivating Enough initiative.  Their time and dedication to forming this program will impact the presbytery for years to come as we continue to nurture and strengthen a sense of enough in our leaders.  Our Executive Presbyter, Rev. Santana-Grace reflected on the Tahoe experience.  “Gathering or centering down in this sacred space with these extraordinary colleagues and leaders of communities of faiths allows us to see one another in ways that are not always possible in the rhythms of our daily movements, creating a mutual bond of respect, grace and appreciation.”


A Bucket of Shells